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Our Aim

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As all the student of insurance industry prefer to work in insurance company or TPA. So, our aim is to provide at least literate and expert system to hospitals for handling their insurance department.


Standardize the health insurance market in the country

Create a direct bridge between Hospitals, Insurance Providers & Patients.

Unite all the hospitals in the country on single platform.

Automate the insurance work for hospitals and make it manual error free with very less manual work left


We started in 2014 as a service to hospitals and noticed pain points faced by hospitals while providing these services and decided to do our bit to solve these problems.

Today in foreign countries even pets are getting cashless treatment for every single tablet. In India, in the coming era 4 patients out of 5 will come along with cards because 70% of the population either belongs to Govt. sectors or Private corporate and other cover under free Govt. schemes like Ayushaman Bharat. So, remaining ratio is 30% of the patients and remaining competitive hospitals. Therefore insurance is the great way for a hospitals to grow and help their patients.

Insurance Providers
Cashless Cases